Sunday, 29 April 2007


This week is Vision week in our church and what that means for us is that we are, as a church going back to the last thing that God said to us to do, re-visiting that and calling people everywhere, within our area at least to embrace the vision and live it out.

We've just had an awesome weekend this past one...good numbers in church, morning (80) and night(65) and growth in our outreach and extra church activity, in fact things are feeling pretty darn good at the minute, still have the challenges, but we're working on them.

So as we prepare for Vision Sunday, this is our philosophy, and biblical basis: without Vision the people perish, so with Vision..the people will and must flourish...and that's what we are building here, a flourishing Salvation Army Corps/church where people are growing closer to God.

Where people are Committed to Community... God and people.

Represented by the cross and identified in 3 different strategic areas:
Small groups,
Medium sized church gatherings and
Large impact areas of our Suburb and Region

Culminating in the centre of the cross where community is defined by:
Fellowship, Fun, Family, Friendship and Faithfulness.

and none of the 3 parts works well without the other.

We are Committed to Community here at Salvos 3064.