Thursday, 26 April 2007

HELP ??????? The lucky country ?????

I am in quandary, this great movement we are in, this great nation we are in, some call the lucky country.... but not for all.

We have this family in our church,they were sponsored out to Australia from Thailand, don't speak very good English, and have been living here for 3 years.
They are learning English and are doing OK, but here's the deal, they have been given 2 weeks to get out of the house they are living in which has been sold from under their feet.

They get minimal amounts of money from centrelink and have limited potential to get a job because of their English.
Yet ..............(anon) is so skilled, so smart with his hands and his ability to fix up things,dvd players, furniture, stereos, lawn mowers..etc etc but can't get a job and now needs a home.

We are going to help them today fill out public housing forms but I know that there is a waiting list for that and he may be waiting for some time for one of them, maybe up to 2 years.

If I had money I'd buy him a house, If I had a house he could live in it, If I had access to accommodation that was suitable he could have it, but because of certain criteria and in this case, he just doesn't fit the criteria that I am aware of in our movement, for housing. That's if we could find any anyway.

why is that we cant get hold of homes around the areas and just get people into them at cheap rent ? This is not the first time this has come up for me, countless people needing a place to sleep in this lucky country... everyone deserves a safe place to live and sleep and raise their family.

If anyone is reading my blog and you have a spare stash of cash and want to help me, I would love to go and start a foundation of housing where we can get this thing off the ground for people like ............these guys. A housing co-op where people can gain access to what we all take for granted so very often, a good clean and safe home.

Offer them a place to live, even for a fixed term like 5 years, at cheap rent, so they can get their feet on the ground and have purpose and meaning in their life.
I'm tired of not having enough to help the needs of people around me at the point of need and not just with a food parcel, these people need a roof over their heads and safety for the kids, if all I can offer them is food that doesn't really help that much. Can anyone help me ? will anyone dream with me what it might look like if we as a Salvation Army in this nation formed a housing co -op to get people homes ???

Oh Lord God please open a door for this.

I wonder what it might look like if we started getting investments into an account for this purpose, where when a need arises, we go purchase a house in the local area and place a family in it at cheap rent ?
where corporations and people can donate money to this foundation / housing trust thing and let it build so that as needs arise like this one, we simply go buy a house.

Anyone dreaming of a better day ? I am.