Monday, 2 July 2007

Gideon- a mighty man of valor

Judges 6:12- The angel of God says to Gideon “ you are a mighty man of valor”...

You might not think you are a mighty man or woman of valor like God saw in Gideon… but what do you think God sees in you ?

Now this is not an ego statement neither is it a put down for myself but I want to share something about myself with you today:

Deep down in my soul I know I have a streak of greatness inside me, that I am under-achieving in… I have ideas which could change the world if I could get them out into the world, I actually believe that what is inside my soul can change the world, and yet so far I haven’t changed very much at all…never alone 3064 which I have been called to influence….and placed here to influence.

You see God lives inside my heart and for that reason alone, I have an ability that others just don’t have (- some reading this blog do, but those who are not living in obedience to Christ, ??????? I'm just not sure...)

I know there is something inside me just waiting to burst out into God’s purposes, I really do believe in the vision that God has given us, and is going to give us 2000 people in this church, but I am not going to wait 9 more years for that to happen.

The passion I have in my soul is growing every day…. But something holds me back and I am not sure why…neither am I certain of what it is that holds me back from living out the boldness and passion I feel inside me, deep -deep down.

I have dreams and ideas at times which if I could make them happen in to reality I know I could be famous….. change the course of history …. I have that belief in me.

Now before you go and get all critical about me…… I want to ask you about your dreams and your ideas and your passions and your burdens and your ideals, do you have any,
I’m dead set certain you do.

You see the difference between the average Joe and the achieving one, is all about obedience and conviction and action… and then of course behaviour.

What I believe in , and what I am prepared to live out, with such a conviction so that it then changes the way I live and what I do with my life, will in affect change my world and the sphere of influence I have around me, wherever I am.

Now I know Gideon didn't finish as well as he started, but oh that God may view us and say of us "you are a person of valor" and I will place my spirit upon He did with Gideon.

If you will read judges 6 you will see a process to this...and if we can apply that process in our lives I believe we will and can change our world.

Recognise our need for God and cry out to Him in prayer. (vs 6)
Repent of our errant lifestyle and get back to Godly living. (vs 14-16)
Remove the false beliefs and altars in our lives, remove the habits. (vs 25)
Replace those habits and beliefs with a worshipping life and new Godly habits. (vs 26)
Revived by God as His Spirit comes upon us. (vs 34)

bring it on in my life I pray.